Category Archive

Below you'll find a list of all posts that have been categorized as “Justice”

So, You Want To Learn How To Grow Marijuana Outdoors

Pro growers often try to get way too scientific with the cultivation process because they believe that it will help produce a higher quality product. But it’s really not necessary.

Now that marijuana is being legalized in more parts of the country, the majority of the weed is being grown in sophisticated indoor cultivation houses.

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Mississippi’s Missing Search Warrants Prevent Scrutiny of No-Knock Raids

No-knock warrants authorize police to burst into someone’s home unannounced. Search warrants are supposed to be filed at the courthouse, but they’re missing from many of Mississippi’s justice courts.

Public defender Merrill Nordstrom walked into a Mississippi federal courtroom in May 2021 ready to challenge the no-knock search warrant behind her client’s arrest.

It had

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New Records Show the NYPD’s Favored Punishment: Less Vacation Time

After the repeal of a state law shielding New York police officers’ disciplinary histories from disclosure, the New York Police Department in March released several years’ worth of disciplinary records for its officers. However, the agency published the records in a way that made it difficult to see which officers had been disciplined and how.… Read the rest


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