Category Archive

Below you'll find a list of all posts that have been categorized as “Cannabis”

What You Need to Know About Obtaining Legal Marijuana In Maine

While marijuana is now completely legal throughout the state of Maine, it is going to be another year before the state is prepared to launch a full-scale cannabis market that allows its citizens and tourism trade to purchase legal weed in a manner similar to beer.

In the meantime, it could prove somewhat challenging for … Read the rest

San Francisco Gives Free Marijuana And Alcohol To Homeless

To prevent transmission of the coronavirus and alleviate stress on vulnerable populations, San Francisco has housed its homeless in city-leased hotels. But one social media user discovered the city is also providing alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other substances for those recovering from addiction.

San Francisco’s Department of Health confirmed the program on social media, and … Read the rest

Leafly’s outdoor cannabis grower’s calendar

Growing cannabis outdoors is easy. All you need is a nice open space that gets lots of light, a water supply, good soil, and a way to cover the plants when the weather turns.

One of the most important things to know is that cannabis is dependent on a photoperiod, meaning that it changes from … Read the rest

Virginia Decriminalizes Marijuana, But Legalization Is Likely Years Away

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam announced Sunday he had approved legislation that decriminalized marijuana in the state. The law, placed on the governor’s desk in March, eliminates jail time for simple marijuana possession, reducing marijuana possession up to one ounce to a civil violation and $25 fine. These civil violations carry no criminal record and seals … Read the rest


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