How Not To Blow Your Diet When The Munchies Hit

Wanted or unwanted, the munchies are a reliable side effect of marijuana use. While they can be fun and therapeutic, they can also derail an otherwise healthy diet. The munchies make...

5 Reasons Why You Should Invest In A Weed Grinder

Flower is amongst the most malleable forms of cannabis. Once it’s cut in small pieces, it can be added onto the method of your choice, whether that’s a bong or a...

First time smoking weed? Start here

Any varsity stoner will tell you that now is a great time to get into cannabis. With recreational legalization sweeping the States, an introduction to cannabis no longer necessitates a clandestine...

The Ultimate Guide to Traveling with Cannabis: Do’s and Don’ts

For those interested in the science behind safely traveling with cannabis, this ultimate guide is essential reading. Whether it’s for medical or recreational purposes, there are multiple factors to consider when...

3 Rare Side Effects Associated With Marijuana Use

Marijuana side effects are usually low-key. While it’s common to cope with paranoid highs and the occasional bout of cottonmouth, side effects associated with the drug tend to pass quickly with...

A Guide To Your First Marijuana Dab

Like tequila – there are beginners and experience drinkers….each having their own journey.  In the cannabis world you have people who microdose gummies and those who want a deeper, stronger experience...