A Breakdown Of Mike Tyson’s $40K A Month Weed Habit

On a recent podcast, Mike Tyson revealed that at Tyson Ranch—the boxer’s soon-to-be marijuana farm and resort—they smoke $40,000 worth of weed a month. Most folks responded with two reactions, one after the other: 1) Shock and awe a small group of humans could smoke that much and 2) a wonder if they’re really telling … Read the rest

Cannabis, Alzheimer’s And Hope Are On The Horizon

CBD is getting all of the attention these days, and with that comes intense scrutiny. Does it really work? Are its claims bogus? Will the FDA ever fully accept it?

But one area of scientific research that deserves much more attention is that of cannabis and its effect on Alzheimer’s and dementia. There have already … Read the rest

What Are Terpenes?


ˈtər-ˌpēns | Noun

Terpenes Definition:

Organic compounds that provide aroma and flavor in cannabis and a variety of other organisms, including plants. Terpenes are responsible for the aroma and flavors of cannabis, and influence its effects by interacting with cannabinoids. Terpenes are formed inside cannabis trichomes, and their relative presence is directly affected

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Why You Should Experiment With Marijuana And Mangoes In Quarantine

How do you make your marijuana supply last longer? A friend recently asked that question and I imagine it’s a question on multiple minds at the moment. Maybe your next cannabis delivery isn’t scheduled for another week, or maybe you can’t afford any purchases except what is necessary. Or maybe you want to increase your … Read the rest

What are live resin cannabis concentrates?

But live resin concentrates are able to

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A Beginner’s Guide To Meditating With Cannabis

Cannabis can be a great accompaniment for any kind of meditation, as really all that involves is presence. Following are some reflections about how to add cannabis by Tara Rose, host of the Green Goddess podcast, which explores sacred medicine, evolution of consciousness, and philosophy.

In her estimation, there’s a world of difference between getting … Read the rest

What are the strongest cannabis strains?

Looking for a weed strain that will challenge your tolerance or stand up to stubborn medical symptoms? Readers ask us all the time which strains are the most potent, and while that depends on a variety of factors from how it was grown to the quality of genetics, we’ve put together a list of strains … Read the rest