Virginia Decriminalizes Marijuana, But Legalization Is Likely Years Away

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam announced Sunday he had approved legislation that decriminalized marijuana in the state. The law, placed on the governor’s desk in March, eliminates jail time for simple marijuana possession, reducing marijuana possession up to one ounce to a civil violation and $25 fine. These civil violations carry no criminal record and seals … Read the rest

Powerful Martin Luther King Jr. Quotes

While Civil Rights activist, dreamer, and legend Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday is actually January 15th, American public school calendars impact the date it is actually observed. Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia on January 15th, 1929. He was a pivotal advocate for African Americans during the Civil Rights Movement in the … Read the rest

Interview With Albert Hofmann, The Man Who First Synthesized LSD

At the height of World War II, four months after the first artificially created nuclear reaction was released in a pile of uranium ore in Chicago, an accidentally absorbed trace of a seminatural rye fungus product quietly exploded in the brain of a 37-year-old Swiss chemist working at the Sandoz research laboratories in Basel. He … Read the rest

The 2010s: A Decade Of Protests Around The World

2019 has become known as a year of protest. But this year does not exist in isolation: Protests have been emblematic of the entire past decade.

The 2010s began with the Arab Spring and Occupy protests, and are ending with a swell of anti-government demonstrations in India, Iraq, Lebanon, Hong Kong, Latin America, parts of … Read the rest

The War On Drugs Isn’t Over, According To The FBI

FBI data indicates that drug possession arrests are on the rise again, following a nine-year decline. Here are two facts that, when read side by side, might hurt your brain. A 2018 study found no correlation between legalizing marijuana and crime rates, with some states, like California, actually experiencing a decrease in crime. However, crime … Read the rest