Category Archive

Below you'll find a list of all posts that have been categorized as “Environment”

Mississippi’s Missing Search Warrants Prevent Scrutiny of No-Knock Raids

No-knock warrants authorize police to burst into someone’s home unannounced. Search warrants are supposed to be filed at the courthouse, but they’re missing from many of Mississippi’s justice courts.

Public defender Merrill Nordstrom walked into a Mississippi federal courtroom in May 2021 ready to challenge the no-knock search warrant behind her client’s arrest.

It had

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Joe Manchin’s Price for Supporting the Climate Change Bill: A Natural Gas Pipeline in His Home State

To accommodate the West Virginia senator, Democratic leadership agreed to legislation streamlining permits for the often-stalled Mountain Valley Pipeline and removing jurisdiction from a court that keeps ruling against the project.

This article was produced for ProPublica’s Local Reporting Network in partnership with Mountain State SpotlightSign up for Dispatches to get stories like

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Agricultural and Pesticide Interests Seek to Appeal Recent Ruling that Bees can be Protected by California’s Endangered Species Act

SACRAMENTO, Calif.—On Thursday, July 7, 2022, a consortium of agricultural and pesticide interests filed a petition for review with the California Supreme Court seeking to appeal a recent unanimous ruling by California’s Third District Court of Appeal that determined that four species of imperiled native bumble bees are eligible for protection under the California Endangered … Read the rest

New Records Show the NYPD’s Favored Punishment: Less Vacation Time

After the repeal of a state law shielding New York police officers’ disciplinary histories from disclosure, the New York Police Department in March released several years’ worth of disciplinary records for its officers. However, the agency published the records in a way that made it difficult to see which officers had been disciplined and how.… Read the rest

NY Considers Letting Restaurants Infuse Their Food With Weed

The Empire State may soon allow eateries to spike their food with cannabis. But there’s a drawback to that plan, at least for those who want to keep their liquor license.

This would certainly give “pizza joint” a whole new meaning. New York state appears to be considering the sale of edibles in pizzerias and … Read the rest

Investigated Air Pollution Near Florida’s Sugar Fields

The Glades is an area of Florida just south of Lake Okeechobee, the large body of water in the center of the state you can easily spot on a map. As a Floridian, I probably should have known that this area produces more than half of America’s cane sugar, but I only learned that recently … Read the rest

One-way superconductor could be a step toward eternal electricity

Imagine if your computer could run on electricity that flows forever without overheating. This isn’t magic: It’s the potential future of a real phenomenon called superconductivity, which today underpins everything from cutting-edge magnetic research to MRIs.

Now, scientists have found that they can make a superconductor that’s different from others that have come before. It … Read the rest

‘Vampire Energy’ Is Sucking the Life Out of Our Planet

UNTIL RECENTLY, I thought vampires—creatures of the night that suck the life from their victims—existed only in the fictional realms of literature and TV. That’s until I learned about a real-life scenario draining both our wallets and the planet: vampire energy. [Source: Wired ]

Vampire energy, also called standby power or phantom loads, is

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