How Medicare For All Could Dramatically Boost Access To Medical Marijuana

How Medicare For All Could Dramatically Boost Access To Medical Marijuana. Two major talking points among Democratic presidential candidates ahead of the 2020 Election has been universal health care and marijuana...

10 Pop Icons You Probably Didn’t Know Were Marijuana Fans

10 Pop Icons You Probably Didn’t Know Were Marijuana Fans. While some celebrities like Cheech & Chong and Snoop Dogg are well known stoners, here’s a list of other noteworthy figures...

Joe Rogan Battles Rep. Dan Crenshaw On Marijuana Prohbition

While Dan Crenshaw isn’t an opponent of marijuana legalization, his policy decisions aren’t helping anyone either. When Joe Rogan hosts a politician on his podcast, you should expect the topic of...

Stephen Ross isn’t Trump’s only supporter — Here are other business leaders who have...

Backlash against Equinox and SoulCycle fitness clubs reverberated across social media last week as consumers voiced disapproval of billionaire owner Stephen Ross’s $250,000-per-ticket Hamptons fundraiser for President Donald Trump. Ross, a fellow New York real-estate tycoon,...

U.S. Significantly Weakens Endangered Species Act

The Trump administration on Monday announced that it would change the way the Endangered Species Act is applied, significantly weakening the nation’s bedrock conservation law and making it harder to protect...

Billy Ray Cyrus was forced to cut marijuana lyric from ‘Old Town Road’ verse

Billy Ray Cyrus was forced to cut marijuana lyric from ‘Old Town Road’ verse. Unsurprisingly, rapper Lil Nas X has a pretty hilarious social media presence. A recent Tweet of his was...

Jay-Z Is Now The Chief Brand Strategist For Cannabis Brand Caliva

Jay-Z Is Now The Chief Brand Strategist For Cannabis Brand Caliva. Rap's first billionaire is showing no signs of slowing down in the myriad businesses that gave him that title. Now, Jay-Z has partnered...

Why Central Banks Need to Step Up on Global Warming

Why Central Banks Need to Step Up on Global Warming. In October 2012, the global financial system got its first taste of the effects of climate change when Hurricane Sandy roared...

Key Congressional Chairman Sends Marijuana Email To NORML Activists

The chairman of the influential House Judiciary Committee authored a message to NORML's email list on Monday—a notable signal of how the cannabis legalization movement has entered the mainstream corridors of...

A guide to eco-friendly travel

A guide to eco-friendly travel. Travel has a lot of benefits. It breaks up our routine, makes us more physically active, and encourages us to try new things. In fact, a...