4 Tips To Remember When Shopping For A Dry Herb Vape

Deciding to purchase a dry herb vaporizer is exciting, but that excitement can quickly evolve into confusion without knowing what goes into choosing the perfect device. There are numerous factors that...

Analysis Of 3 Million Reddit Posts Reveals Key Arguments That Helped Make Marijuana Legal

By Nina ZdinjakWhat has influenced the recent marijuana legalization movement?Probably many factors, such as more research on health benefits, positive examples of states and countries that have already enforced marijuana legalization, potential economic benefits and...

COVID-19: Will We Need Another Booster?

As new COVID-19 variants emerge, vaccines continue to be the most efficient way of protecting ourselves against the virus. Does this mean that we’ll be needing boosters in the near future?...

GOP Congressman Says Democrats Are To Blame For Marijuana Legalization Delay

By Jelena MartinovicAs we approach the end of another year that failed to see marijuana legalized on the federal level, there’s a bit of blame-shifting going on between the leading parties.According...