A People’s History of Black Twitter, Part III

Joy and pain, harmony and discord, organization and chaos—there’s no single way to define Black Twitter’s complex, ongoing legacy.Getting Through, 2016–PresentBy the end of the Obama era, Black Twitter seemed like...

Michigan Supreme Court Limits Use of Restraints on Juveniles

The Michigan Supreme Court on Wednesday significantly limited when handcuffs, shackles and other restraints can be used on young people when they appear in court. The new court rule, which goes into...

The Number of People With IRAs Worth $5 Million or More Has Tripled, Congress...

The number of multimillion-dollar individual retirement accounts has soared in the past decade, as more wealthy Americans use the tax-advantaged vehicles to shield fortunes from income taxes, according to new data...

Video Evidence Shown in the Capitol Insurrection Criminal Cases

by ProPublica, July 27, 2021ProPublica and a coalition of 15 other news organizations including The Washington Post, The Associated Press, CBS and NBC have been suing for access...

5 Summer Activities To Do While High

Summer is a great time for the outdoors. While the heat can get overbearing, summertime usually brings along a lot of relaxation. While people are still working and carrying out their...

For Better Or Worse, Tourists Now Have To Deal With Marijuana

2020 was an atypical year. While it put a hard stop on most things, it was also an election year, opening the door to a lot of change. One of these...