New Documents Prove Tennessee County Disproportionately Jails Black Children, and It’s Getting Worse

Tennessee’s Rutherford County, which has been widely criticized for its juvenile justice system, has been jailing Black children at a disproportionately high rate, according to newly obtained data. And, in a...

Inside the Controversial Sales Practices of the Nation’s Biggest Title Lender

In her mid-20s, Cordelius Brown thought she had found the perfect job. She was thriving as a store manager at TitleMax, a Savannah, Georgia-based company that dominates a segment of the...

BC Pushes For Legal Black Market Cannabis Amid Criticism From Craft Growers

By Nicolas Jose RodriguezThe British Columbia government has convinced many illegal cannabis growers to begin selling legally in an effort to squeeze out illicit marijuana from the marketplace, but the efforts...

How CBD Can Improve Your Sex Life

Marijuana and sex are compatible for a reason. Cannabis users of all ages support this theory and studies also offer some support, finding that THC can help people achieve more powerful...

Your Preference For Black Coffee Could Be Due To This, Finds Study

Those who enjoy black coffee and dark chocolate might have a genetic predisposition towards these flavors. According to a new study, these people can reap a variety of benefits that will...

4 Tips To Remember When Shopping For A Dry Herb Vape

Deciding to purchase a dry herb vaporizer is exciting, but that excitement can quickly evolve into confusion without knowing what goes into choosing the perfect device. There are numerous factors that...

Does Cannabis Help With Bone Health?

As a result of the effectiveness of cannabinoid receptors in the body, THC and CBD are being explored as tools for promoting good bone health. The skeletal system is an essential of...

Hawaii wildfires: How climate change contributed to starting the Maui blaze

With at least 53 people dead and hundreds of buildings damaged or destroyed, the dramatic and deadly wildfires on the Hawaiian island of Maui are a grim reminder of how climate...